Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Students ROCK at Rhythms

The kindergarten students at all three schools have been working really hard in music class. They have been learning how to read rhythms and play them on different instruments. They are now able to play and read Ta, TiTi, and Rest (Z)!
This activity I placed 5 different rhythms on the board and the 6th one was a mystery rhythm where the students were able to play whatever they wanted. One student was asked to roll the die and whatever number it landed on we played the corresponding rhythm for that one. When the students heard me chant: 1 2 3 4 Put your instruments on the floor. 5 6 7 8 Hurry don't be late (BOOM) after the word "late" the students are suppose to play one sound on their instrument to show me they are ready to go for the next rhythm.
The first video is a class from Cummings Elementary and they are demonstrating how to play TiTi TiTi Rest Rest. The second rhythm they rolled a number 6 so they were able to play whatever they wanted, which is by far their favorite thing to do!
This picture video shows the rhythms we played and East Elementary students playing all kinds of fun and exciting instruments!

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