Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Kindergarten Singing

This week we have started to prepare songs for the Kindergarten concert: Oceans Of FUN! A newsletter will be sent home next week explaining the date, time, and location. We are learning about many different animals that live under the sea. We began our Shark Attack song and the students are having a blast learning all about Tiger Sharks, Hammer Head Sharks, Blue Sharks and Great White Sharks! 

In Kindergarten we start to explore the different ways we can use our voice. We discovered we have a singing, speaking, whisper, calling (loud voice- because shouting is not allowed in music) and of course our silly voices.  The students have been working really hard and practicing using their, "head voice" which is developed by using proper singing technique. In order to achieve this students have been practicing with various vocal warm-ups: Slides, echo, ball bouncing and many more fun visuals and instruments that can help achieve a proper singing voice. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


2014 Music Olympics

This year 2nd grade students at South and Cummings and then the 1,2,3 classes at CPLC will be partaking in the Winter Music Olympics! The students were put into groups of four and then were able to choose a country that they would like to represent. I provided numerous books of different countries that they could look through and learn new facts about them. It was amazing to see how the students would look at a map and then recognize how close or how far the countries that they had previously looked at were from each other. I also loved watching them get excited about learning new ideas about the countries and comparing them to Michigan! 
This student was SO excited about the MONEY!!!

Learning new facts about France

This week students picked out the country they would like to represent! Make sure to ask your child what country they will be representing during the Winter Olympics! Each group got to decorate their flag and hang it up in the classrooms. 

Next week our first Winter Olympic event is: Ice Skating 
Make sure to ask your child how it went! 

The opening ceremony for the Olympics begins Friday night! Try to watch it and look for the country that you are representing!