Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rhythms and Straws OH MY!

Straws and rhythms...who would have thought?!
In 2nd grade we have been reviewing and learning rhythms: Ta=Quarter Note, TITI=2 Eighth Notes, and Z=Quarter Rest. We first started by writing the rhythms on the board and then the students would copy and build the rhythms using straws.
Our next step was to listen to Mrs. Mergan say the rhythm out loud and then build it! The students had a blast building rhythms and at the end I gave them free time to build whatever they would like. I had some students build rhythms that were gigantic and could even say them to the correct beat. Great Work!

Now students can build rhythms with straws! Ask your child to show you how to build rhythms and see if you can find household items to make up the Ta TiTi or Z!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Hello and welcome to my music blog!
I just wanted to thank you for subscribing to my blog. 
 Even though I only work with your child a short time, it is amazing to see how much they learn, experience, and have fun in the music classroom!

Please welcome Mr Durand!

He is a student at Grand Valley State University and is getting his Bachelors degree in Music Education. He student assists in the morning with me at each of our schools. Mr. Durand's focus is on band and he also plays the bassoon! He brought his instrument to school and has played it for the students. Their immediate response to the instrument was, "It sounds like a cow!" We have also discovered the bassoon is taller than most of our students.
Coming tomorrow... numerous pictures and videos of students in action! Don't miss it!